Wednesday, April 15, 2020

THE USE IT UP OR DIG IT OUT HOP #useitupordigitout

Hey everybody!  How ya doin?  Fine, I hope. Is the quarantine getting to you yet?  We are still working, so life is not much different, except for the constant hand washing and using disinfectant wipes and hand sanitizer!  Oh yes, and wearing gloves to open the mail...outside.  And then sanitizing the door knobs afterwards.  Sometimes, I get a bit exasperated with it all, but I guess it must be done in order to stay healthy.

Anyway, onto better things.  In today's post, I am participating in a blog/YouTube hop organized by my uber fabulous crafty friend, Renee @DelaneyJaneCards.  The challenge is to Use It Up, or Dig it Out!


  You should have arrived from the wonderful Terra O'Brien's video HERE.  

When I bought the stamp set I used here, I knew EXACTLY what I wanted to do with it...I just never got around to it.  It was always in the back of my mind though, and when this hop came about, I knew it was time to JUST DO IT!  So, here it is:

Whaddya think?  Honestly, I had my doubts throughout the process, but I do really like the end result!  The stamp set is from Inkadinkado, and is called Decorative Doilies.  Aren't those doilies just gorgeous with the ink blending?   These are the Oxide colors of Squeezed Lemonade, Lucky Clover, and Mermaid Lagoon.  And I have to say that Kristina Werner makes it look SO EASY in her videos!  I had one HECK of a time getting the Lucky Clover to blend well.  Maybe it was my choice of paper; next time I will just use the Bristol Smooth!    After the ink blending dried overnight, I stamped the doilies with Versamark, and embossed them with Recollections Snow detail embossing powder.  Now I really need to do this in a variety of colors, with different sentiments too!  The sentiment comes from a set from Love Nicole that has a good variety of different words/phrases in it.  It was suggested to me that I cut a white one also, to help the black stand out from the background more.  I think that was a great suggestion!  :)  The black is layered up 3 times, and the top has several coatings of clear Wink of Stella on it for some sparkle.  Wanna see?

I was debating whether or not to also add some Glossy Accents, but decided to just leave well enough alone!

OK, so the next stop on this fun hop is the fabulous Sharon Luska, and the link for her video is HERE.

Thanks so much for stopping by today.  I hope you enjoy the hop as much as we enjoyed digging things out and using them up...hopefully we inspired you to do the same!

Until next time; stay safe.

Take Care, and God Bless!



  1. Marie! This is fantastic. I love your card and colors so much. What a fun stop on the hop. Thank you for participating today.

  2. Wow, those doilies look real!!! Love this card, so lovely and the sparkle on the thinking of you sentiment is spectacular!!! So grateful you shared your time & creativity, stay safe & healthy, hugs!!!

  3. Beautiful card! I took one look at this card and thought "huh...I think I have that stamp set." Looked at the name of it and thought "Yes, I do believe I do!" Opened up Evernote on my computer here and sure enough, I do!" I have never used it either. L love the colors you used. Very pretty!

  4. Beautiful card! Love the colors! TFS

  5. Beautiful card, Marie. I always love the look of doilies and forget to pull them out and use them.

  6. Beautiful Card Marie. I don't have any doilies dies but they are super cute and I will add them to my wish list! Tracy Shultz a fellow Hopper.

  7. Beautiful colors Marie! I think that background is gorgeous. ❤️

  8. Fantastic card Marie! Wonderful color palette!

  9. Wonderful ink blending and amazing card.

  10. Love, love, love! The background is gorgeous, and as soon as I saw this set, I did *exactly* what Amanda did... pop open Evernote and search. I could have sworn I had this set but I realized I resisted buying it when I saw it dirt cheap at Tuesday Morning (oh how that place gets me every time!) because I had another doily set already and made myself resist a 2nd one. That said, I am *totally* CASEing your card with the doily set I do have!!! I agree that these would be fabulous as a gift set in different colors and sentiments. You could even leave the sentiments off but apply foam tape or score tape to the back so they could pick which sentiment they wanted to use with each color. My bestie would appreciate a set like that, so thank you for the inspiration!!! And thank you for the sweet comment you left on my blog! We bloggers have to stick together... we're out numbered by YT'ers! 😁

  11. One more thing... I thought I was already following your blog but I realized I wasn't and fixed that right away 😁

  12. Oh so pretty card, Marie! These doilies are so delicate and elegant and go well for any occasion.

  13. Loved your card. Fantastic ink blending.



Hello crafty friends!  Welcome back to my blog!  It's time for another fabulous Linky Party with the Build Your Stash Holiday Card Maker...