Haha! Believe it or not, I still can make a card that is not related to the Christmas holiday! This card was made with the most adorable kitty named Olivia, by DigiStamp Boutique. She has a brother named Archie, but I haven't printed him out...yet. I wanted to practice coloring with the Prismacolor markers I have been collecting. Olivia was colored using the lightest shades of the cool gray set. I think I did OK, but I best print out some more cutie-pie images to practice on! I haven't made this public yet, but I might as well tell you about my New Year's resolution. Don't worry, nothing Earth-shattering; I have just resolved to send out more of the cards I make, instead of hoarding them. This one will be winging its way overseas later this week. I hope the intended recipient will like it! I'll be back in a few minutes with another non-Christmassy card. WHAT!!??!!
Thank you for visiting my blog. Love this card!