Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Did that sound like Minnie Pearl? If it did, that's what I was hoping for! How is everyone? I hope you are all well and healthy. Seems like sickness has been wreaking havoc alot this winter season, but hopefully we are all on the way out of that. My younger DD, Leandra, broke her wrist a couple of weeks ago, so now she is in a light blue cast just past her elbow. We go back to the orthopedist Friday to check the healing progress, and hopefully soon, she can get a shorter cast. So for now, I am helping her shower and dress when needed. She was such a good little trooper thru the whole thing...she had to be put under to have it set; she only got upset right before she went in, asking if I could go in with her. Even though she understood why I couldn't, she was still upset about it, so they gave her something to calm her down. Ahhh, my poor baby!

Well, enough about the "real" world, how about some cards? I have been working on my stash of Christmas cards, and I took and edited some pics today, on my day off (YEA!) These two feature my favorite winter subject, snowmen. The "pink lemonade" colored one shows a cute little scene from Melyssa Connolly of Whimsie Doodles. I can't remember the name of it, nor can I find it on the site, but if you really wanted to know about it, I'm sure Melyssa could help you! I've had the image colored for a loooong time, just waiting for my mojo to come back! The card in blues uses a piece recycled from a card (I think), that was gifted to me by my friend Carol. There are 3 more similar to it waiting on my desk, so be on the lookout for those in the future.

Well, it's late, and I do have to go to work tomorrow (BOO!), so I'd best be hitting the "publish post" button right about now...night all! :)


  1. Hi Marie, nice to see you posting again. Your cards are cute... Sorry to read about your daughter...Hope it's not her writing hand that has the cast. Although I guess you can still write with a cast on her wrist? But she has to be uncomfortable. My grandson fell and broke his arm last year. Grandma's the one who had to take him to the emergency room.

  2. Marie I'm sory to hear about Leandra. I hope she heals fast and completely.
    I love your cards, but I'm really tired of snow and ready for some warmth! lol
    Glad to see you getting some cardmaking done. Hope your mojo comes back soon and you get more done.



 Hello crafty friends!  It's time for another set of letters at the ABC Christmas challenge blog ! This month's letters are: E is fo...